Saturday, 10 September 2011

Nightmare of 9th September 2011 - The Hideous Crab Creatures of the Vents of Terror

Had a nightmare last night, and what's better is I can vaguely remember it.  I used to have nightmares all the time, I'm not one for passing up a good nightmare if it is unrealistic as it is a joy to wake up and realise how cool it actually was.  I watched a nature documentary about Turtles last night and so I attribute this nightmare to that.

I was in a house with my best friend, in the room we were in there was a big vent on the wall, every now and again a strange humming noise would start up and the vent cover would open up.  Out of this vent came these strange creatures that resembled huge crabs made out of stone, trailing behind them were poisonous man of war tentacles.  Eventually we climbed over the neighbours fence and took refuge there but the damned hell crabs found a way over...

That is all I remember but using modern technology I have managed to extract some dream images from my mind, for your terror seeing pleasure I give you a snapshot from my dream...

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