Tuesday 2 January 2024

Dead by Daylight - A Beginner's Guide to The Trapper

I have always loved the idea of online asynchronous multiplayer survival horror video game Dead by Daylight in theory more than action. It is constantly getting new killers added to it, many of them licenced from horror films. In execution however I have often struggled to enjoy this. As a survivor I end up getting wiped out almost immediately, and find the loop of having to fix generators a dull task to complete. As a killer I often worry about putting on a poor show, or that the survivors will run rings around me.
A few months ago I decided to once again give the game a go. Rather than randomly dipping into various killers and survivors, I decided that each month I would randomly pick a killer and only use that killer for the month, hoping to gradually get better at using them. 
I thought as some nice easy blog posts I would do a beginner's guide to each killer I come across. A beginner's guide not for beginners, but one written by a beginner. The first pick a few months back was The Trapper.

The Trapper (Evan MacMillan) was an original creation for the game (even being the cover image killer). His backstory has him in the real world working as a brutal enforcer for his rich father, with his actions resulting in the murder of over a hundred men. One day he vanishes, with his father found locked and starving in the basement of his own warehouse. Of course, Evan had been pulled into the entity's realm, a place between life and death in which poor victims are trapped in a hellish purgatory where they constantly have to escape from various killers looking to sacrifice part of their soul to the entity. He has his own level, 'The MacMillan Estate', though it is random which level you actually play on.
The Trapper is one of the larger killers to be found, and is classed as easy to use, so was a good choice for my first random pick. His special ability, as the title may suggest, is to place bear traps around the maps. Playing as him, you begin the round with a set number of traps, with others dotted around the level, either to be activated where they lay, or collected and placed elsewhere. It became clear that you have to try and place the traps at least vaguely effectively, putting them by doorways or windows, or by generators or narrow points of the path seemed to work best. What is good with him is that you can place traps and forget about them, until you get the indicator a survivors has triggered the trap. His large size meanwhile means he has a better reach than some of the other killers.

My rookie tips for playing as the killer over the course of a month (and roughly ten to fifteen matches) are as follows. I found inside levels to be better than outdoor levels. I found corridors and doorways effective places to constantly trap survivors. My worst match was thankfully also the first, in which I spent the entire round chasing one survivors without ever catching them! My best match saw me manage a squad wipe. On average I can't say I was amazing with him, but it was early days for my killer adventure.
On the cosmetic side of things, he has a great cross-over skin with Naughty Bear. This changes his appearance into that of a giant scowling teddy bear, I loved going around looking like this. This also adds some mild narration to the start of a match, much like that early 2000's video game did.
Later this week will be my second Dead by Daylight guide for the killer I used all December, The Clown.

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