Friday, 19 April 2024

Keith (2021) - Short Horror Film Review

The three minute short horror film Keith (written and directed by Alex Baró Cayetano) is currently available to watch on ARROW, the streaming subscription service. It does have some moments of horror, but the overall feel was more comedic than scary.

One night a young girl (Mia Hemerling) is startled to discover a monster under her bed (voiced by Bear Winter-Perreau). This unseen creature however just wants to talk, stating that while he is a monster he wishes the girl no harm, even revealing his true name of Keith. The girl may apparently have nothing to fear, but the monster has still arrived in the room in order to scare someone.

I wasn't sure about Keith for a lot of the running time. Under three minutes long, this mostly takes place with the girl huddled under a bedsheet while she talks to the unseen creature. The comedy comes from how down to earth Keith is, talking about how his parents wanted him to be a dentist and not a monster and other such silly things. The voice of the creature had distortion to it, but it sounded friendly. Thankfully, this pulls itself together for the ending, that did give me a slight chill when it happened. I do like it when short films manage to create an effective finish.

While a bit too talky, I think it was the correct decision not to show the creature under the bed, and I also thought it was wise how this ended. Aside from that finish though there wasn't much horror here to be found, but Keith was still enjoyable enough.


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