I've been sat on Vlimmer's (one of the many names Alexander Donat puts music out under) - Bodenhex since the end of October. I always end up delaying music reviews as I have stated many times that I don't have a clue what I'm talking about when it comes to those.
Bodenhex is made up of ten tracks over a forty five minute runtime, and as is customary, I listened to this a few times as I was cleaning my house. It opens up with '2025', a suitably moody and morose six minutes of music that is fitting for what that year will likely look like if the current state of the world is anything to go by. 'Überrennen' brings the album into a more energetic sound, bringing with it sounds of electronica and a neat fast sounding drum beat. After a return to a more sad sound with 'Vielzuviel' things continue down the same path with 'Lichtbruch' but in a more wistful vibe, and a great tune throughout. This leads into the sinister start of 'Latenzsog' that delighted with its Radiohead style backing music.
The second half of the album is made up of a few tracks that had a similar feel to them with 'Endpuzzle', 'Mauerkipp' (with its dark and twisted tribal drum sounds) and 'Sinkkopf', before penultimate track 'Mondläufer' brings back the energy with its off-kilter eighties sound. Finally is the six minute track 'Fadenverlust' which brings things to a relentless powerful finish.
I always enjoy the music of Vlimmer, and the tracks contained within Bodenhex have done little to change that view. If not for being a bit down at the moment I am sure I would have enjoyed this more. A well put together collection of tracks which share a common similarity.
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