Thursday 13 June 2024

Louvado Abismo (2024) by Louvado Abismo - Music Album Review

Louvado Abismo
is the debut album of the Portuguese post-punk/heavy industrial group of the same name. The band's first album, fronted by ex-Sinistro member Patricia Andrade, brings together ten tracks over forty one minutes. As always, I'm not great at music reviews, I listened to this twice, once while at the gym, and once again while at home.

It begins with title track again called 'Louvado Abismo'. At around three minutes long this came across like a statement of intent for the album to follow. The music was heavy and the lyrics shouted and has a strong pace to it. Next track, 'Alma Incandescente' is where things begin to pick up, a repetitive yet great sounding tune, one of the best on the album in fact. This was a great one and felt like the start of the album proper. The lyrics may be in Portuguese but the aggression behind them can still be felt, even if I didn't know what they were singing. Many of the tracks throughout follow a similar format of seeming to be made up of the same bit of tune repeated as a repetitive beat, such as could be found with 'Corrida Lenta' and 'Espuma', while 'Bons Ventos' and 'Vazio' up the heaviness with a similar feel to them. Sometimes this style really made for a great sound, I loved seventh track 'Dois Sois' with its lovely drum beat and repeating guitar riff. Things finish with the more mellow and sinisterly peaceful instrumental 'Ausente' whose use of classical instruments provided a nice rustic feel to end with.

Louvado Abismo featured tracks which went together well. For me there were definite highlights to be found, but even when the music feels more like a jam session or dirgeful, the use of repetitive music created a neat atmosphere. Maybe not knowing the language took away from the meanings of some of these tracks, but overall this was a decent album that helped me work out just that little bit harder at the gym.


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