Tuesday 25 June 2024

The Rotting Zombie's News Anthology for Tuesday 24th June 2024

I had planned to review Fallout today but I haven't actually gotten around to watching the final episode yet. Instead, here is a trio of news stories plucked from my bloody news sack.

Return of the Corn Zombies is a sequel to indie horror Attack of the Corn Zombies, with the sequel currently having an Indiegogo campaign on the go. Set in the 1960's and taking place two years after zombie apocalypse swept the globe, a group of survivors are battling through the undead infested world to reach a near legendary sanctuary known as 'Homestead'. To be directed by Steve Hermann and Mia Katz, the sequel promises to be darker in tone to the original, and is due to begin filming this September.

Baleful is an upcoming feature length horror film that is coming from Deformed Lunchbox, which has the biggest original horror channel in Canada and is known for short films. The film is about a group of people who pass a terrible demonic curse among themselves that forces them to do awful things. Director/Writer Denman Hatch describes the micro-budget picture as '...a horror film that is fun to watch, creates quite a reaction, and invites the audience to solve the puzzle and experience the nightmare.'

Finally for today, Synapse Films will be releasing Crocodile on Blu-ray from a new restoration of the original 1981 English 35mm camera negative. A crocodile mutated from nearby nuclear testing has become huge and dangerous. After their wives are attacked and killed by the beast, two doctors decide to bring a team together to destroy the monster.

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