Friday 10 March 2023

The Rotting Zombie's News Anthology for Friday 10th March 2023

Another news post, on the day that the new cyberpunk/Japanese themed season came to Fortnite. I'm predicting that my blog posts for the next week may be a little light on content...

First off, VIPCO and Bayview Entertainment had four new releases that came to Blu-ray and Prime Video in January, while at the end of February four more titles came to Blu-ray in the USA and Prime Video worldwide. The February releases included Carnal Monsters, in which a group of friends discover two unconscious girls outside a nuclear facility who turn out to be crazed killers. Another film was Harvest of the Dead: Halloween Night, this sequel takes place on the day of a Halloween party, with The Plague Doctor and The Creature (whatever they are) turning up to cause mayhem. The final two releases were It's Not A Wolf that from the cover image seems to be about a dinosaur, and The Things We Cannot Change, this is a vampire film about two different factions of vampires who have different thoughts on how best to live their un-lives. All of these can be purchased on

Some music news now, dark electronic folk bad Hem Netjer released their debut album The Song of Trees on February 28th on all major digital platforms, including Bandcamp. The album was mostly written remotely during lockdown and the press release states it is a 'musical journey through the five elements'. Tracks announced include Void, Salt and Tears, Eldur, Freedom, Connect, Elemental Cry and Otherworld.

Sex Tape is the new single from the upcoming EP The Sex Tape Sessions by Kill Shelter and Death Loves Veronica in their first collaborative work together, with it due to come out 17th March. The EP includes two new tracks as well as two remixes from Death Loves Veronica's album Chemical, and also some extended releases. In anticipation some specially put together bootleg cassettes and VHS tapes were leaked, with the VHS including adult material that won't be included in the official release. Pete Burns of Kill Shelter says of this ' an exploration of that idea surfacing highly emotive themes of sex, passion and death'.

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