Tuesday, 11 March 2025

The Legend EP (2025) by Aiming - Music EP Review

Another day and another ill informed and ignorant attempt to review a music EP, music of which I am in no place to be able to adequately review. Aiming is a York based trio who formed in late 2023, united by a love of shoegaze, post-punk and ambient music from multiple decades. The Legend EP is billed as kind of a concept album, with the press release stating the four tracks are about small town life and not fitting in. The titular 'Legend' refers to a guy in a small town who goes out on the weekend looking for trouble.

With that out the way, onwards to butchering this review. The four tracks play out over a comfortable seventeen minute runtime. To my ears they sounded like a chilled sound of summery fun. It may only just be getting to spring time, but this year I have taken more of a note of the seasons, and so anything that reminds me of the sun is a good thing. It starts with opening track 'Brainiac' that to me sounded like Ash. That band did two fantastic albums and so that was not a bad comparison for me. 'The Legend' follows and a quick look at the lyrics show it alludes to the description from my opening paragraph. This one gave me slight vibes to the earlier work of The Cooper Temple Clause, another band I used to really like. Penultimate track is 'At Sea' with its fast paced eighties style sound, finally ending with the dreamy sounding 'Docile'.

Are Aiming in anyway related to horror? No, of course not. It fills a gap in between movie reviews though, and music is subjective. Personally, while The Legend EP didn't blow me away, I did enjoy my few listens of it, good company to cleaning my house (as I seem to perpetually be doing).


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