Tuesday 21 May 2024

Dead by Daylight (2016) - Horror Video Game Review (Playstation 5)

Towards the end of last year I really started to make an effort to get into the asynchronous horror multiplayer video game Dead by Daylight. I really loved the idea behind it, but it had never clicked properly with me. Sadly, after around five or six months of trying to get the game to click, I failed, I appreciate the game, but it just isn't something that is for me, which is a real shame.

The game has you either playing in a third person perspective as one of four survivors, or playing in a first person perspective as a killer. The survivors aim is to repair a set number of generators randomly placed around one of the stages, once this is done the exit gate opens and they are able to escape. The killer meanwhile is tasked with sacrificing the survivors by attacking them, and them placing them on sacrificial hooks to a dark entity in whose realm both survivors and killers alike are trapped. There have been a whole host of famous video game and film characters added over the years, survivors including characters from Left 4 DeadEvil Dead, Silent Hill, Resident Evil and more, while killers include a host of movie maniacs such as Ghostface, Chucky, Leatherhead, Pinhead and videogame antagonists such as Albert Wesker and Pyramid Head.

I have previously spoken about the game in various blog posts about different killers I tried. My problems are two fold. Firstly, I find playing as the survivors really difficult, I constantly fail the quick time events that occur when trying to repair the generators, and typically get hooked and die within around a minute or two of starting a match. Playing as a killer is more fun, but it puts a lot of pressure on you. There is a method of playing that makes the match fun for survivors, so you need to not play to win cheaply. There is no type of tutorial mode on how to play as each killer however, so the only way to discover how they work is to play against real people. This can cause no end of humiliation as you try and figure out how to play as the character you have chosen. I rarely played well, and after several months of trying different killers I realised I just wasn't having as much fun as I would have liked. I put off playing due to not really knowing how to play the game. 

I love the amount of famous killers put in Dead by Daylight, but I came to the realisation that the game simply wasn't for me. Either side I was pretty useless at playing, this was a real shame. Also, due to the game originally launching in 2016 it looks quite terrible in my opinion, I find the various levels all bland and similar looking, while the core mechanics always felt a bit too simple.

Don't let my lowish score trick you into thinking Dead by Daylight isn't a good game, I imagine playing with a bunch of friends this would be loads of fun, but playing against or with strangers never felt good, I always felt anxious that I wasn't doing my best, and this came to really impact my enjoyment.


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