Tuesday 28 May 2024

Alternate Piranhas (2024) by Eamon The Destroyer - Music EP Review

Back in November of last year I reviewed We'll Be Piranhas, the second album from Edinburgh based musician Eamon The Destroyer. Now a five track EP titled Alternate Piranhas has been released that features different versions and takes from the recording sessions for that album. The twenty four minute EP isn't really horror based, but I always like to take a wild stab at reviewing most types of music sent my way with the hope I can somehow stuff them into the horror genre.

It begins with the five minute opener 'A Pewter Wolf (Alternate Take)', a mellow laidback sounding track that shines with what sounds like a church organ. 'Rope (Alternate Take)', perhaps my favourite track to be found here, this has lyrics sung in a way that sounded quietly frustrated. There was a slightly sinister feel to the vibe, and the inclusion of what sounded to me like a banjo. Halfway into the EP is 'A Call Coming (Alternate Take)', again a more mellow and peaceful sound, this time with the sounds of an accordion.
Penultimate track 'The Choirmaster (Alternate Take)' carries on the rustic sound with the lyrics sung in a way that made it sound like a monologue from the singer. Alternate Piranhas ends on 'My Stars (Alternate Take)' which at just over four minutes long is a slightly upbeat and optimistic feeling end to the EP.

I enjoyed the music found within Alternate Piranhas, the tracks flow well into each other and I enjoyed the consistent vibe of this. The EP releases on 31st May from Bearsuit Records. Eamon The Destroyer is currently writing for a new album which is due to come out next year.


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