Wednesday 22 May 2024

4 Minutes of Terror: Death Throes (2024) - Short Comedy Horror Film Review

In March I was delighted to see Night Slasher, the first in an anthology series of short films created by filmmaker Nicholas Michael Jacobs (Tales from Six Feet Under). Now the second film in the series, 4 Minutes of Terror: Death Throes has been released. This one not only goes for a more comedic horror vibe, but it also takes the form of a cartoon rather than live action.

Spike (Jacobs) and Rufus (Jordan Jacobs) are two grave robbers who have decided to rob the grave of a recently deceased elderly woman who was buried wearing a reputably expensive necklace. As they dig up her grave they talk about a local legend that the lady used to be in the military, but dismiss those as just rumours. After acquiring the necklace they go to leave the graveyard, but come to realise that there may have been some truth to those rumours after all...

After an introduction by The Freak the short begins in earnest. The change in style from live action to cartoon between films wasn't as jarring as I thought it might be, with the animation of the same quality as that used for the wraparound character. The animation was done by Imam, it suits the horror vibe, and while it isn't the most frame heavy cartoon, it looks the part and fits the tone well. The directing and writing as always carried out by Jacobs.
Much of the short consists of a conversation by Spike and Rufus as they dig up the body, with the horror coming right near the end. What happens to the hapless duo may have been obvious, but the manner in which it occurs was a funny surprise.

Any worries that this anthology series would consist of similar feeling shorts have been expelled with Death Throes. Having the short take the form of a cartoon was unexpected, and makes me wonder just what else the filmmaker will come up with as he progresses with this series.


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